
Mercurial Groundings & merciful ascensions - skyscapes of longing: a poetry text written while looking up

Pop Heart: a new poetry collection in full color! A visual diary as a shine to all that the heart has lost.

I am not lonely, for I have a Television: a philosophy zine - handwritten and in color, on television, intimacy, and loneliness.

Where We Are

This philosophy zine and art shop are set within the speculative fiction space of the diner, bar, restaurant (i.e. public spaces which foster relational and open assemblages of dialogue).

Who We Are

These conversations are all accompanied by the philosopher-par-excellence—a non-binary, cyborgian waitress who is a celebration of difference, of spectrality, of monstrosity. A figure who is not a representation, but rather a performance. .

Featured collection

  • Mercurial Groundings & merciful ascensions
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  • Pop Heart
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  • I am Not Lonely For I Have a TELEVISION - zine
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  • The Ghosts, They Know Us By Our Hunger - Print
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